February 07, 2003
Sky Car

To the skeptical cool guys I had beer with last night: I am not crazy! Cars can fly!

Posted by ÿ at February 07, 2003 04:03 PM

More random stuff to consider:

30 million people died in traffic accidents in the 20th century and if you heard someone say they were too dangerous to have as part of society, you'd think they were loco. From the sounds of this radar system, I think skycars seem like they're relatively safe.

Moller, the pioneer of all this, once observed that throughout history a person's life has been dictated by how far they could travel in a day. Well, commuting hundreds of miles will be easy with the flying car. It has a vertical takeoff and landing, can drive on the highway, is small enough to fit in a garage, AND TAKES 5 MINUTES OF TRAINING to learn to fly and land. Apparently a reporter tried a test-drive a few years back, and was completely and totally sold on the spot. He said 5 minutes learning time was exactly right!

The skepticism from the auto industry is a transparent attempt at protecting their trillion-dollar investments. They claim they've never heard of Skycar - it's not true. The FAA wants to tell you you need a pilot's license to fly it - flat out bullshit. They're going to have to change the laws to accommodate this machine once it's ready for mass production, and that's it.

A childhood dream realized!

Posted by: ÿ on February 7, 2003 04:06 PM .

OK, many many apologies for the skepticism. This totally rocks!

Video footage here (click on Flight Videos).
hmm... maybe my cab driver's dream of round flying taxis isn't that far off?

Actually, what would be brilliant would be to reserve the skycars just for emergency vehicles.... no more screaming sirens, pulling over, and people dying because they didn't get help on time. The ambulance/fire truck could just soar right over everyone.
And that's my utopian fantasy for the day.

Posted by: marijke on February 7, 2003 06:05 PM .

Holy-fucking-cool. This has put me into a great mood - those videos are incredible! I told the Space news people about it, but they covered the story two years ago, apparently.

On the cynical side, this is more about Moller trying to secure additional funds, since the real PR blitz would come when they have a functioning prototype, which they say is a year away. This may mean "a year if we get more money". Motherfuck, if I was way more bling bling than I am I'd send them a few mil.

Posted by: D on February 7, 2003 06:26 PM .

this car is awsome i wish i could afford something like this but i cant even afford an 85 s10

Posted by: on September 24, 2003 09:43 AM .

listen on Art Bell show on 10-26-03

Posted by: fred on October 26, 2003 04:34 AM .

If it will do the job it is a much needed solution to controlling the "GAPMONSTER"( Greed-
Apathy and Population) that is running amuck and
raping Mother Nature.

Un 1972 there was 72 million autos in the USA and
today there is over 210 million and over 35,000
vehicles a month are being sold in the Houston, Texas area.

I have been a High Speed Rail Advocate and will remain so until you can produce Sky Bus at affordable prices. Do you think that can happen? I do not see how just a few can help the traffic problem.

I assume you have done your market research to show how many people can pay the price you are now asking for the Sky Car?

I know of a company tht might be interested in investing parterning with you provided you have all your ducks in a row.

Lucille Martin

Posted by: on October 26, 2003 06:32 AM .

Please post how someone with only $500. can buy the stock, as we are really really wanting to invest! Anyone with a brain will see this is it the future in your hand!How about Mr Moller getting in with Korea, smart move you get em, I think the Big Three will enventually try to squish the sky car as they did to Tucker! Mr Moller is ahead of his time and a planner for sure. I think that a person who doubts this is purely stupid! Keep it up Mr Moller!
Got my Dad to give the ok to invest he is a Mac Cartherism Korean War Marine start from scratch Attorney who at 1st was very sceptical and now after thinking about it is ready to invest, please inform where we can buy pink sheet stocks for minimal startup!thanksT&S Potter

Posted by: on November 13, 2003 05:40 AM .

There's contect info on their site here.

Good luck! It's a noble investment.

Posted by: ÿ on November 13, 2003 11:13 AM .

Stuck in the usual traffic jam on my way home from work tonight I was thinking "it must be possible to build a viable/economical hover car by now" so thought I would check out the net to see if/what was being done. I found Moller's Skycar, I love it. I would invest everything I have in the project but that amounts to about £20 right now.

I agree with ÿ posted on February 7, 2003 04:06 PM about the aviation authorities. The British CAA really stands for "Cancel All Aviation" or "Collect revenue from All Aviation".

Moller will be a billionaire in no time.

Posted by: Mark Finch on November 27, 2003 05:04 PM .

what is the sky car!!

Posted by: on December 8, 2003 10:02 AM .

someone tell me now!!!!

Posted by: on December 8, 2003 10:02 AM .

click here, dude.

Posted by: ÿ on December 8, 2003 11:59 AM .

Someone Start a MOLLER SKY CAR Fan club! I heard that those who invested just $500 into Sony in the early infant days made soooo much that their grand Children will never have to work! Went to Scottrade.com to buy just $500 to start of the Moller Sky car stock, now known as mler.pk. got for buck-fifty and am buying all I can. As not only would like to make some BIG money, yet really have researched all about the Moller company such as south africa, Korea, Netherlands and seen patents from the Moller company applied for world-wide. Do your home-work, Research this, it is a winner for sure! If you have ever flown in a Cessna you will understand more. Imagine flying from Los Angeles to Phoenix in under 2 hours then up to Vegas and over to Fresno, then up to Eugene and over to Reno, then back to LA? Think about rich people buying $100,000 cars like they were nothing. You must understand there are over 15 millon- milionaires in USA alone and ten times that number around the world, most sceptics are not millionaires, rather they are conformist who lack creativity and vision, they would rather tell you no it cannot happen vs. it very well could be done!

Read this and write it down 1000 times....Those who are rich are not worried about risk, rather- they depend on it!

My deepest hope besides making money for my family future, is to see a man like Moller, his family and staff obtain this vision into a viable reality! I hope that by telling everyone I can (everyone,) to invest in his company that it will indeed become true! I always carry in my pocket a photo of the Moller Sky car and show everone, even the waitress, and I tell them to do the same! I must say that it is an honor to be a part of the future, Me and my family are grateful that Moller has gone Public!!!! Buy, Buy, Buy and tell all your Family and friends to Buy NOW, Buy NOW, Buy and fly in the sky!!! I tell people that in the near future you may see a Moller Sky Car Flying above you and to remember... "He was right and he must be very rich now!" Or perhaps "He may very well be up in that Moller Sky Car watching us cattle on the ground!...darn we should have just invested a little bit as he told us to!" Start a Sky Car Fan Club today with me!

Posted by: SKY CAR FAN CLUB?/NOW I am an INVESTOR on December 21, 2003 05:44 AM .

Skycar seems to be the sweetest new invention in a long time. I have to do a report on it and if anyone could send me some more detailed information about it, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.

Posted by: Mo on January 13, 2004 11:10 AM .

thank for making aware me about future

Posted by: ani on February 29, 2004 01:25 AM .


Posted by: rose on May 18, 2004 09:57 AM .

Hi rose.

Posted by: ÿ on May 18, 2004 10:49 AM .
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